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Temple Yoga & Zen Meditation experience in English

☆Yoga & Zen Meditation for Health and Well-being☆ Let's take a journey to the ancient oriental world at Fugenji, an over 500-year-old Buddhist temple in a suburb of TOKYO.

Temple Yoga & Zen Meditation experience in English
Temple Yoga & Zen Meditation experience in English


2018年9月02日 16:00 – 18:00

普賢寺, 日本、〒183-0004 東京都府中市紅葉丘



☆Yoga & Zen Meditation for Health and Well-being☆

Let's take a journey to the ancient oriental world at Fugenji, an over 500-year-old Buddhist temple in a suburb of TOKYO.


If you are looking to reset and reboot in an ambient setting that lets your body and mind achieve a complete relaxation, come and join us for this temple yoga combined with zazen experience!

Just show up, wear your most comfortable yoga outfit, carry a yoga mat (or a big towel)

From there, take a deep breath and dive into your Zen moment.


Yoga session guided by Tsuin (RYT200 certified yoga teacher)

Hatha yoga based on traditional yoga methods combined with modifications for beginners. We will cover the basics including simple forward bends, twists, and traditional Sun Salutations, as well as basic breathing and relaxation techniques. No matter your age or fitness level, the goal here is to reconnect your body, mind and soul to reach the physical and mental health. Most importantly, let's breathe, relax and enjoy!!

Zazen session guided by Jokan (Japanese Tendai Buddhist Priest)

In Tendai sect, the name of sitting meditation is "Shikan". "Shi" means "stop" or "pause". We spend very busy days on working, studying, playing and living nowadays. A high information society makes our lives stressful and anxious. Our sitting meditation offers the moment to find your stillness and relax the body and mind. We will count the number of our breaths in order to counteract the daily stresses.


16:00 – Mindful Hatha Yoga

17:00 – Break

17:15 – Zen Meditation (Zazen)

17:45 – Tea, closing

*Price: Donation (It's really up to you!)

*What to bring: wear, water, yoga mat (if you don’t have, please bring a big towel instead. We will be practicing on Tatami)

*Location: Fugenji Temple 2-26-4, Momijigaoka, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo

*Access: 7 min walk from Tama Station, Seibu Tamagawa Line

Recommend to arrive 10min early so that you can change cloth and get relaxed.

*About Fugenji:

For registration:

Feel free to ask us any questions!




東京郊外 緑豊かな府中。500年以上古い歴史のあるお寺で、ヨガと座禅を体験しませんか。日常とは異なる空間、時間、言語で自分と見つめる時間を過ごしてみませんか。









*スケジュール :

16:00 – ヨガ

17:00 – 小休憩

17:15 – 座禅

17:45 – お茶・解散



※ 動きやすい服装でお越しください

※ クラスは英語で実施する予定ですが、必要があれば日本語でもアシストします。


※ ヨガ・座禅どちらかのみの参加も可能です

*場所 普賢寺 東京都府中市紅葉丘2-26-4

*アクセス 西武多摩川線『多磨駅』下車 徒歩約7分




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